During the 1960’s Dr. Aimé Limoge, a medical doctor, dentist, and scientist residing in France, developed a form of central nervous system electrical stimulation known as TCES which was decidedly different from other attempts to create an analgesic effect in humans and animals. The most obvious difference was the absence of any electrical shock or pain and the complete elimination of the undesirable side effects experienced with other methods.
In 1975, Dr. Limoge wrote the book “An Introduction to Electroanesthesia” which is the first significant scientific book written for the field of electroanesthesia. Dr. Limoge was a professor at Rene Descartes University in Paris, France until he passed away in 2009.
FutraMed began working with Dr. Limoge in early 2001 to help him create a marketable device to address electrical anesthesia and treat other disorders. An initial prototype was constructed in 2003. Although the use of the device was very promising for its analgesic effect, it was decided that the most promising benefit of the Limoge TCES at this time was for the treatment of opioid abuse. The Limoge TCES technology is an exciting breakthrough in the treatment of opioid addiction and opens the door to bringing relief to those suffering from its effects.
FutraMed began working with Dr. Limoge in early 2001 to help him create a marketable device to address electrical anesthesia and treat other disorders.